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Cashier App

The aim of this project was to create a simple and intuitive application that allows barkeepers of clubs and organizations to easily calculate the total of orders. There is also the functionality to create and customize lists of drinks and food items for different occasions. As a nice extra all receipts get tracked in a database and could be evaluated if there is a need for it.


The techstack for this project was chosen to be React for the frontend, Nest.js for the backend and MongoDB for the database. React was the perfect choice for the frontend, because our app focuses on userinteractions and Reacts state management was quite fitting for the task. The frontend was developed with a mobile first approach. NestJS on the backend was a good choice because of its performance and scalability and tasks like authentication and authorization or managing database schemas worked great in this environment.


My main takeaway for this project is as simple as it is important: Creating solid prototypes makes your life a lot easier when it comes to development. It is a great way to get a clear picture of the project and to avoid misunderstandings in the team.

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Concept & Prototyping

Elisabeth Schuhmann

Frontend Development

Tobias Pfeil

Elisabeth Schuhmann

Backend Development

Elisabeth Schuhmann

Tobias Pfeil